Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Difference Friends Make

Have you recently considered the impact that friendships have on your life? I was thinking about it this week as I said goodbye to a group of friends that I have been learning with for almost a year. Last year at our denominational district conference a group of us decided to form a Learning Community that would help us stay sharp in ministry and life.

So almost every month since then we have met to do just that. We have studied and prayed together. These guys have truly become some of my best friends. But why? I mean... really... after only 10 or so times together spread out over a year's time. What difference could possibly happen in that short amount of time?

Here are the top 3 for me:
  1. they push me to be better spiritually
  2. they sharpen my ideas by making sure they are biblical
  3. they care about me beyond (outside of) the group
Do you have friends like these? It's never too late to start!


bmc :: newnan, ga said... the ATL header on the new blog...good stuff.

By the way, this is very's a link that lists the Chicago-style restaurants in Atlanta...


felicia said...

I have a handful of friends who have all known me for over half my life - I consider them my "posse".

Those girls mean so much to me. Most of them are friends from SCS, where we bonded over sewn slits and culottes. ;) Through the storms of life, they've all been there for me and I've been there for them. And now even as miles separate us, the wonder of the internet keeps our bond close. I'm thankful that I'm never without the wise counsel of this group of believers who know me so well.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.