Monday, January 28, 2008

Sharing Life - Core Value #1

The now popular phrase "it takes a village to raise a child" may be a derivative of an African proverb or it may be from Hillary Clinton or her ghostwriter... whatever its origin it rings true. The phrase has teeth beyond childrearing. With the exception of the solitary among us, most of us understand the beauty of being a part of a community - something bigger than ourselves.

As that relates to a faith community, Process Church will seek to be a place that values sharing life together. Our hope is that people can see church as a familiar friend - a place where real people journey through life together. And that church is not a location but instead a group of people who are trying to be authentic with each other spiritually.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I can't tell you how refreshing that is to hear! My husband and I left traditional church for a house church in 2003, and we've never looked back. Sharing life was what got us through the hardest time in our lives. It's what makes "church" more than just a building. We'll be praying that people will see the difference and grow in their faith. God bless!!